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懷舊燒賣Traditional Siu Mai
$84.00筍尖蝦餃皇Shrimp Dumpling with Bamboo Shoot
$84.00鮮蝦炸春卷Shrimp Pto Net Spring Roll
$84.00鮮蝦菜苗餃Fresh Shrimp and Vegetable Dumplings
$84.00韮王鮮蝦腸Leek King Fresh Shrimp Intestines
$84.00自選孖寶(1主食+1點心)Choose Your Own Combo (1 Main Dish + 1 Dim Sum)
$163.00楊州炒飯Yeung Chow Fried Rice
$153.00生炒牛鬆飯Stir-fried Beef with Fluffy Rice
餐具包 Utensils Pack
本餐廳響應環保,不主動提供餐具,如有需要請在此選擇 To promote sustainability, utensils are available upon request. Please select below if they are needed. Thank you!
餐具包 Utensils Pack
超值自選孖寶Value Combo Set
自選孖寶(1主食+1點心)Choose Your Own Combo (1 Main Dish + 1 Dim Sum)
想點就點,自選點心Just order what you want, choose your own snacks.$163.00
懷舊燒賣Traditional Siu Mai
精選豬肉鮮蝦,爽口Q彈,口感鮮美Selected pork and fresh shrimp, refreshing and chewy, with a delicious taste.$84.00瑤柱珍珠雞Yaozhu Chicken with Pearl Mushrooms
珍珠雞配搭瑤柱軟糯鹹香,一口滿滿的餡料Pearl chicken paired with soft and savory dried scallops, a mouthful of filling.$67.00筍尖蝦餃皇Shrimp Dumpling with Bamboo Shoot
皮薄如雪, 晶瑩剔透, 大蝦仁若隱若現, 爽滑彈牙Thin as snow, crystal clear, large shrimp pieces are faintly visible, smooth and chewy.$84.00鮮竹牛肉球Fresh Bamboo Beef Balls
嫩滑牛肉,口感扎實,啖啖飽滿Tender and smooth beef, with a solid texture and satisfying bite.$62.00醬皇蒸鳳爪Steamed chicken feet with soy sauce
先炸後蒸,軟腍鳳爪與醬汁完美融合,重拾童年回憶Fried and then steamed, the tender phoenix claws perfectly blend with the sauce, bringing back childhood memories.$65.00香滑奶黃包Smooth and Creamy Custard Bun
香甜軟糯,一口咬下爆汁流沙,蛋香四溢Sweet and soft, bursting with molten lava with every bite, filled with the aroma of eggs.$67.00籠仔蒸馬拉糕
古法炮製,口感蓬鬆如雲,Traditional preparation, with a light and fluffy texture like clouds.$62.00鮮蝦菜苗餃Fresh Shrimp and Vegetable Dumplings
鮮蝦爽滑彈牙,又透出一絲菜苗的清新感Fresh and tender shrimp with a hint of refreshing greens.$84.00潮州粉果Teochew Dumpling
肉丁中夾帶海蝦米的獨特香氣,又透出沙葛的一絲清爽口感The unique aroma of the diced meat mixed with shrimp and the refreshing taste of water chestnuts.$59.00蠔皇叉燒包BBQ Pork Bun with Oyster Sauce
鬆軟甜香叉燒靚,秘製醬汁滿是驚喜Tender and fragrant barbecued pork, the secret sauce is full of surprises.$59.00北菇棉花雞North Mushroom Cotton Chicken
蓬鬆雪白的魚肚如棉花,吸收了鮮美的北菇雞汁,美味無比The fluffy and snow-white fish belly is like cotton, absorbing the delicious chicken broth with fresh shiitake mushrooms, incredibly delicious.$74.00豉蒜蒸排骨Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean and Garlic Sauce
蒜蓉豆豉酱配嫩排骨,滋味非凡,必食之選Garlic and fermented soybean sauce with tender spare ribs, extraordinary flavor, a must-try choice.$67.00椰香蒸饅頭Steamed Coconut Buns
$59.00蠔皇鮮竹卷King Oyster Mushroom Rolls with Oyster Sauce
蔬菜、香菇、海鮮的各種鮮味,口感层次豐富Various fresh flavors of vegetables, mushrooms, and seafood, with rich layers of texture.$61.00秘制炆柚皮
$74.00咖喱蒸土魷Steamed Cuttlefish with Curry Sauce
土魷配搭咖喱汁,爽滑彈牙,口感扎實Squid paired with curry sauce, smooth and chewy, with a firm texture.$84.00
蜜汁叉燒腸Steamed Rice Rolls with Barbecue "Char Siu'
經典腸粉搭配秘製叉燒醬汁,美味無窮Classic rice noodle rolls with special char siu sauce, endless deliciousness.$67.00香茜牛肉腸Steamed Rice Rolls with Beef and Coriande
口感軟軟糯糯,肉質滑嫩,鮮味十足Soft and chewy texture, tender and smooth meat, full of freshness.$67.00韮王鮮蝦腸Leek King Fresh Shrimp Intestines
腸粉界的天花板,蝦仁爽口Q彈The ceiling of the rice noodle world, the shrimp is fresh and chewy.$84.00布拉純滑腸粉Rice Noodle Roll
薄如蟬翼,吃似空氣,皮滑軟無敵Thin as cicada wings, it feels like air when eaten, with smooth and soft skin that is unbeatable.$59.00
$61.00金珠鹹水角Salted Water Dumplings with Golden Beads
肉丁冬菇為餡,外香脆內裡肉香四溢Diced meat and winter mushrooms are used as filling, with a crispy exterior and a rich meaty flavor inside.$61.00鮮蝦炸春卷Shrimp Pto Net Spring Roll
蘇脆外皮配搭彈牙鮮蝦融為一體,滋味非凡,必食之選Crispy crust with chewy fresh shrimp, blended into one, extraordinary taste, a must-try choice.$84.00香煎蝦米腸
$59.00香煎蘿蔔糕Pan-Fried Radish Cake
蘿蔔糕鮮美清甜,香糯軟綿,余味悠長Radish cake is delicious and sweet, with a fragrant and soft texture. It leaves a lingering aftertaste.$61.00煎釀茄子
有料靚粥Delicious Congee with Ingredients
$61.00鳳爪排骨飯Chicken Feets with Ribs Rice
$84.00咸魚肉餅飯Salted Fish Meat Pie with Rice
$84.00煎蛋牛肉飯Fried Egg and Beef Rice
生炒牛鬆飯Stir-fried Beef with Fluffy Rice
$159.00楊州炒飯Yeung Chow Fried Rice
$153.00星洲炒米粉Fried Vermicelll in Singapore
$159.00干炒牛河Stir-fried Beef Ho Fun
$153.00豉油皇吊片絲炒麵Soy Sauce Fried Noodles with Shredded Pork Strips
$153.00瑤柱蛋白炒飯Stir-fried Rice with Dried Scallop and Egg White
$164.00太極鴛鴦炒飯Tai Chi Yin Yang fried rice.
$159.00生雞絲炒飯Stir-fried Rice With Shredded Chicken
$153.00生雞絲炒飯Stir-fried Rice With Shredded Chicken
$153.00咸魚雞粒炒飯Fried Rice with Salted Fish and Chicken
$159.00福建炒飯Fried Rice with Fujian-Style Ingredients
$159.00廈門炒米粉Xiamen Fried Rice Noodles.